Tagged: dating

Dating etiquette: it’s nice to be nice

Have you ever been in a situation when someone hasn’t called after the first/second/some-other date even though they promised they would? Or when someone said you were so amazing, then...

Online dating, good or bad idea?

Online dating has pretty much established itself as the new mainstream way of meeting potential partners. But even though it seems like a much easier and faster way to meet...

How to get dates

My last blog was helping you to get better at first dates. But then you asked – and rightfully so: “What if I can’t even get to that first date?”...

First date! Oh my.

First dates, don’t we love them. The awkwardness, the nervousness, the anxiety. What’s supposed to be a fun nizagara and engaging way of meeting new people often feels more like a...

Why do I keep dating wrong people?

You know that thing Google does when you start a phrase in the search box, gives you suggestions to end it based on most popular searches? Well, when you type...