Tagged: love

To love or not to love

Every now and then I get messages from people who tell me they’ve given up on love. They don’t want to try any more because they’ve tried for years or even...

New Year resolution: love more

I am not the biggest fan of new year resolutions. Somehow the idea that this one day in the year will make a difference to my life just because it...

Why are relationships such hard work?

Christmas is a time when we celebrate love, peace and harmony. A time when we are supposed to feel blissfully connected with our partners, family and all our loved ones....

What is self love and how to love yourself?

I am sure you’ve seen me mention self love in a lot of my previous posts (this one particularly)… and maybe you wonder why this whole “love yourself” business is...

The trouble with unconditional love

Unconditional love is the holy grail of all mankind. It’s that one pure form of love we all strive for. It’s often equated with motherly love, because we believe that...

Role-playing in relationships

Are we playing the right roles in our relationships? Are we friends to our friends, and partners to our spouses? Are we parents to our children? I know it may sound confusing – how can we not be? – but many times in relationships we play roles which are not appropriate and healthy for that type of relationship. We become friends to our children, and parents to our parents, or therapists to our partners or friends.