Tagged: relationships

Role-playing in relationships

Are we playing the right roles in our relationships? Are we friends to our friends, and partners to our spouses? Are we parents to our children? I know it may sound confusing – how can we not be? – but many times in relationships we play roles which are not appropriate and healthy for that type of relationship. We become friends to our children, and parents to our parents, or therapists to our partners or friends.

Do you believe in soul mates?

Soul mates are an intriguing concept. The idea there is only one person in the whole world who’s your perfect love match is both exciting and frightening. It can give...

I am a love failure

Wouldn’t it be great if dating and relationships came with some sort of how-to manual? Or at least some beginners-level introduction course, which would prednisone help us prepare for that first...

How do we know it’s the real thing?

Is it love? Do I really love this person? Should I stay or should I go? How do I know I’ve found “the one”? …The short and easy answer to...

5 not-so-easy steps to finding love

The 5 not-so-easy steps that are sure to make you find true love the very day you master them. I guarantee you it will happen the same day – even nizagara if you choose to lock yourself at home, turn off your phone, disconnect the internet and refuse to answer the doorbell – he or she will find the way to drop down your chimney. Even if you don’t have a chimney.

Is loving yourself selfish?

Loving yourself the right way means you love everything that is human about you and others. It creates a feeling of abundance, and in return – you have more to give to everyone.