Tagged: dating etiquette

Dating etiquette: it’s nice to be nice

Have you ever been in a situation when someone hasn’t called after the first/second/some-other date even though they promised they would? Or when someone said you were so amazing, then...

Dating & sex: why timing counts

In times where casual ‘hooking-up’ has become more of the dating norm than exception, it’s getting harder and harder to know how to go about looking for a long-term, serious...

How to be sure someone is into you

Modern dating rules leave us with a lot to wish for. Nothing is as it seems: someone pursues you, then they disappear without a trace and without an apparent reason....

I am a love failure

Wouldn’t it prednisone be great if dating and relationships came with some sort of how-to manual? Or at least some beginners-level introduction course, which would help us prepare for that first...

How to survive dating

The dating scene has become ever more complex since the days of our grandparents – and today it’s a maze of uncertain signs and behaviour we have to struggle to decipher and interpret properly, and often fail. The rules have changed, primarily because more and more people take dating much more casually. Not only you don’t have to marry the person you are dating – you don’t even have to call them back after a date. Even if you went much further than holding nizagara hands on your date, it is perfectly fine to pretend like nothing ever happened next time you bump into each other…