This course is a step-by-step process designed to help you find a great matching romantic partner.

It will guide you to remove obstacles which are currently blocking your path to a loving relationship.

The material is organised in a natural sequence and contains plenty of tips, practical tools and exercises.

It is a self-study course – you will get the materials delivered online and you can study them at your own pace.


Are you struggling with your relationship choices and feel like you constantly date wrong people?

Are you single and fear that your relationship status will never change?

Are you unsure what exactly others might see in you and whether they find you attractive?

Are you trying to get over a tough breakup and struggle to believe you can find love again?

Are you confused and lost in the whole dating game?

Do you feel you’ve tried everything to finding a partner and you have no clue why it hasn’t worked… or where to go next from here?

Are you frustrated by constant rejection and painful breakups?

Are you ready to dig deep and examine why it hasn’t worked for you so far?

The course will give you answers to those problems, and provide tools which help you overcome them.


The course has 8 modules. I recommend giving yourself at least a week to work through each module, so 8 weeks is a good timeline. All materials are available on demand for self-study from the privacy of your home and at your own pace. You will get them all at once.

MODULES 1-4: Get ready for love

These modules are all about you and making you feel better and happier just as you are. That part is crucial if you want to attract not just anyone, but a great matching, loving partner.

You’ll see why loving and caring for yourself is the best possible way to attract that someone special into your life, find out how to feel better about your life, enjoy it more starting right now, and reduce the pressure and anxiety of the wait and search for a partner.


Getting clarity and understanding of what makes you happy, and what you want from life and love. Becoming aware of all the things that make you tick – so you know what you need, and what you are willing to give to someone. Understanding your strengths and qualities you have as a person and a partner.


This is key to finding a great matching partner and having successful relationships. It’s not possible to find someone who will love you just the way you are if you don’t love yourself first. Here you will learn not only why, but also, more importantly – how.


How to live an authentic life and be true to yourself in everything you do. Putting your dreams and desires into practice. Making yourself happy and satisfied in your own skin, which is the best way to become irresistible to others. We all want to date people who are content and fulfilled with their lives, don’t we?


Being single doesn’t have to be miserable! We’ll look at ways how you can make the most out of your life, and enjoy it to the fullest. You’ll find out how to do it right here, right now, and not just spend your days feeling sorry for yourself and waiting for ‘the one’.

MODULES 5-8: Get your right partner

Here you will get tools, tips and exercises which will teach you how to attract your best partner. I’ll give you lots of ideas on how to align your thoughts, emotions and actions to make it happen, as quickly as possible.

I am sure this part is your main goal – what interests you most, but trust me – first 4 modules are equally, if not more important. They are the base which will get you to the right place from which to attract a good partner, while the second part is mostly tools that will teach you how to go about it.

For best results they have to work together!

In the last, bonus section you’ll get additional guidance and help with specific issues not covered in the main program.


Get clarity on what you want and need from a partner and relationship. Align your desires with your true needs. This is extremely important because we often don’t know what kind of partner would really suit us and our list of desired partner qualities can be actually blocking us from finding the right person.


This is the most exciting part of the course! You will learn how to create a clear invite that will attract and bring your best match into your life.


Learn what to do and where to go to increase your chances to meet a great matching partner. This part is all about giving you tips and ideas for smart dating that suits your nature, personality and lifestyle, and doesn’t feel like a frustrating chore.


This is a bonus module with more exercises and materials prednisone that will complement the main program. This part covers topics that haven’t made it to the other modules or where briefly mentioned, but I feel they need more attention like: the importance of looks, getting over an ex partner and dealing with rejection, and more.



  • The course will make you discover new things about yourself and see your love life from a very different perspective.
  • It will guide you to understanding the real reasons for your relationship misfortune, and what to do about them.
  • It will show you how you can feel happy and content even when you don’t have a partner, and how to be less needy and desperate to find one.
  • It will help you become more authentic, more you, more the person people want to date and be around.
  • It will give you the tools to find great matches easier and faster than ever before.
  • It will provide you with practical steps so you won’t just know what you need to do, but also – how to do it.
  • It focuses very much on building confidence and strengthening your sense of self – so if you take it seriously and apply the exercises as advised, it has the potential to truly transform your life and make you a more happy, content and successful person.

Watch this video and find out more about the course and my personal search for love.



The course material is a combination of pre-recorded online webinars and written materials for download. All materials will be delivered to you via my website.

I suggest you give each module at least a week to get through. Sometimes you will need more time, and that’s perfectly fine.

There is no obligation for you to finish the course in any time frame. Once you nizagara get the materials, they will be available for you to use them whenever you want. There is no expiry date. So it’s completely up to you how you want to go about it – you can time it according to your own needs.

The only important thing is to go through the materials and exercises in the sequence in which they are delivered to you. The course structure is designed this way for a reason, and I encourage you to follow it – to make sure you get the best results.

Your payment will be administered via PayPal gateway which accepts PayPal or credit card payments. After receiving your payment you will receive login details and the link where you can access and download all the materials.

Money back guarantee

If you change your mind once you enroll and pay, you will have a full money back guarantee for 30 days from the time of your purchase. That will give you plenty of time to see if it’s working for you risk-free.


